The home security industry did not seem too impressed with the video doorbell when it was first launched a few years ago. Things certainly have changed. Not only is the industry very high on video doorbells, but consumers are also too. They are among the most sought-after devices for consumers looking to get started in home security and automation for the first time.
Vivint Home Security, a leading provider of home automation and security solutions throughout the country, recently published a rather lengthy post discussing the video doorbell concept. In it, they mentioned that video doorbells are a game changer. The point of this post is to unpack Vivint’s statement. What does it mean? And why have video doorbells made such a big impression on security minded consumers?
A Simple Enough Device

A video doorbell is a simple enough device to understand. It combines a conventional doorbell with a small video camera and a companion mobile app. Some of the more expensive units also include onboard audio for two-way conversations between homeowner and guest.
With a video doorbell installed, a homeowner can know who is standing at the front door without ever opening up. And because video doorbells are smart devices, they can be accessed remotely. A homeowner could be several hundred miles away on vacation and still know who is standing at the front door.
As for what is creating so much consumer buzz, there are multiple things to consider. Let me just say this: a video doorbell would be a nice choice as your first smart home device. If you are looking for an entry-level way to get into home automation and security without spending a small fortune, a moderately priced video doorbell more than fits the bill.
Fairly Simple to Install

Let us move on to why video doorbells have become home security game changers. At the top of the list is ease of installation. Homeowners have two basic options: wired and wireless. I would choose a wired doorbell if my home were already equipped with a conventional electric doorbell. Otherwise, I would choose a wireless model.
1. Wired Models
Wired video doorbells are wired only in the sense of a power source. They are still wireless in how they connect to a home’s Wi-Fi network. The best part is that replacing a conventional doorbell with a wired video doorbell is not hard at all. The new model uses the same power source.
Doorbells are low power devices. There is very little risk of harming yourself if you do something wrong. To make the switch, you simply unscrew the existing doorbell and disconnect the two wires. Reconnect the wires to the new doorbell and screw it in place. That’s it. Now you simply use the companion mobile app to get the device connected.
2. Wireless Models
Wireless video doorbells are wireless for both power and data connection. There are no wires involved. In terms of installation, some models come with adhesive backs. You just peel and stick to the wall. However, it is better to invest in a model you can screw to the wall. Attaching with screws eliminates the risk of the doorbell falling off because its adhesive has dried out.
Although wireless doorbells are very easy to install, they have one big drawback: they run on battery power. That means you need to be cognizant of how much battery power your device has left in it. You will need to change the batteries before they die.
As a Security Device
For the most part, a video doorbell is a home security device. It offers all the benefits of video surveillance along with a doorbell and audio package. Think about what this means for home security.
The latest generation of video doorbells offers a lot more than their predecessors did. For example, you can purchase a model with a much wider view. A wider view lets you see people approaching your home before they actually get to the door. Most models will also send you alerts as someone approaches. This gives you the upper hand.
Installed at the right angle, a video doorbell could give you a decent view of both the front door and your entire front yard. You might even be able to see the driveway. You can always know what is going on in front of your house simply by bringing up a live feed of the video.
Keeping Burglars at Bay
Maintaining video surveillance of the front door is a good idea on multiple levels. Let’s talk about burglary as an example. The front door is one of the most common entry points for burglars. Not only that, but burglars frequently check door handles and ring doorbells before breaking and entering. They do so to figure out if anyone’s home.
A video doorbell gives you the edge against burglars. Not only can you see one approach, but you can also communicate with him over the unit’s audio system. Warn a burglar that you are watching his every move, and he is almost guaranteed to turn and run.
The Porch Piracy Issue

Porch piracy is yet another reason consumers are investing in video doorbells. Although installing a video doorbell does not guarantee a homeowner will not be victimized, video doorbells are a very good deterrent – especially when homeowners pay attention to phone alerts and respond as soon as they get one.
Just as with a burglar, a homeowner can warn a porch pirate that he is being watched. That is a good way to scare the individual off before he ever bends down to swipe those packages. The thing to remember about criminals is that they do not want to get caught. A video doorbell provides irrefutable evidence and, in most cases, a good look at a porch pirate’s face.
Finally, video doorbells are comparatively inexpensive. That’s what makes them such a good choice for home automation first timers. Video doorbells have so much to offer anyone getting into home automation. They truly are a game changer.